Strategic Prayer Summit, Gallup, NM May 13-14... Debrief, Sunday, May 22 at 4 MDT
Click button above to be placed in the online Zoom Conference Sunday afternoon. Or you can join by phone at
1 (669) 900-6833, then 408 862 2707#. |
A word from John Robb
New Mexico Prayer Summit, May 13-14
Joshua Generation Church, Gallup
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What a joy it was to gather and be together for the Prayer Summit! Thank you to all of you who came, and especially to those of you who made the long drive to be with us from out of state and from remote parts of NM for that marvelous time of “letting God be God and the Body be the Body of Christ”. It was such a rich time because you each brought your prayerful hearts and unique perspectives on the issues we face in our beautiful state with its numerous challenges. The way we flowed together in the Holy Spirit was so special also.
Pastor Jack Webb, who with his wife, Caron, helped lead the NM prayer movement in former years, came all the way from Colorado Springs to be with us. He said that something had shifted spiritually during the Summit. Pastor Jim from Gallup declared, “It has begun,” referring to the revival we are praying will break forth. Amen, may it be so!
All the facilitators did a terrific job of keeping us on course with some minimal structure and maximum openness to the Holy Spirit’s direction. Thank you, all!
What Averil “Ace” Cayatineto said about the need for Natives to “host revival” and invite the rest of us was so welcome since First Nations have such a crucial role to play in the deliverance of America. Billy Graham’s prophetic word in 1975 seems to be coming true!
It was an honor and pleasure to have Navajo nation Vice President Myron Lizer with us. His message about heeding God’s call to pray for and get involved in the 7 Mountains or spheres of society, not just our own party or agenda, was so appropriate. As he said, it is not about us but about God’s transforming our state and nation through our believing prayers and loving actions.
We could have gone a lot deeper if there had been more time. If you would like to debrief and share any things that were especially meaningful to you and that you think are relevant for the rest of us to hear,
we will be having a Zoom call this Sunday afternoon, May 22, at 4 P.M. New Mexico (Mountain Daylight Time.), Or by phone ☎️ (669) 900-6833,
Meeting ID 408 862 2707# You can access the Zoom meeting by phone at this #...
Hope you can be with us.
Those of you who took notes during various sessions for your small groups can still send your summaries to [email protected], so we can incorporate them into the database for review and future use.
Grover Dobbins and others are building a database of praying people in our state. If you would like to get ongoing prayer alerts and hear about upcoming events that are significant for NM, please check on this website. If there are other praying people you know who are interested to get such communications, please put them in touch.
Until we gather again in person, let’s trust the Lord for His breakthroughs and keep praying even in pairs or triplets as He shows us things that need our intercession.
All His best always,
John Robb
(on behalf of the planning team)
NM Prayer Summit Planning Team:
Pastor Dennis and Corinne Gallegos, Joshua Generation Church, Gallup (Hosts)
Pastor Mark Thomas, Iyanbito Church, Gallup area
Pastor Mark Tross, Coordinator New Mexico Prayer Connect, Rio Rancho
Pastor Richard Mansfield, Chairman, New Mexico Prays, Albuquerque
Pete Belon, Navajo ministers’ prayer association, Smith Lake
Pastor Herman Harrison, Navajo church, Shiprock
Grover Dobbins,, Capitan
Pastor Jim Montoya, Los Lunas Prayer Network, Los Lunas
John and Lori Robb, National Prayer Assembly and Transformation Prayer Foundation, Albuquerque
Our thanks to Grover Dobbins of who edited the February 17th meeting recording:
It's a bit less than two hours long. Here's the public link on YouTube.
New Mexico Prayer Summit, May 13-14
Joshua Generation Church, Gallup
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What a joy it was to gather and be together for the Prayer Summit! Thank you to all of you who came, and especially to those of you who made the long drive to be with us from out of state and from remote parts of NM for that marvelous time of “letting God be God and the Body be the Body of Christ”. It was such a rich time because you each brought your prayerful hearts and unique perspectives on the issues we face in our beautiful state with its numerous challenges. The way we flowed together in the Holy Spirit was so special also.
Pastor Jack Webb, who with his wife, Caron, helped lead the NM prayer movement in former years, came all the way from Colorado Springs to be with us. He said that something had shifted spiritually during the Summit. Pastor Jim from Gallup declared, “It has begun,” referring to the revival we are praying will break forth. Amen, may it be so!
All the facilitators did a terrific job of keeping us on course with some minimal structure and maximum openness to the Holy Spirit’s direction. Thank you, all!
What Averil “Ace” Cayatineto said about the need for Natives to “host revival” and invite the rest of us was so welcome since First Nations have such a crucial role to play in the deliverance of America. Billy Graham’s prophetic word in 1975 seems to be coming true!
It was an honor and pleasure to have Navajo nation Vice President Myron Lizer with us. His message about heeding God’s call to pray for and get involved in the 7 Mountains or spheres of society, not just our own party or agenda, was so appropriate. As he said, it is not about us but about God’s transforming our state and nation through our believing prayers and loving actions.
We could have gone a lot deeper if there had been more time. If you would like to debrief and share any things that were especially meaningful to you and that you think are relevant for the rest of us to hear,
we will be having a Zoom call this Sunday afternoon, May 22, at 4 P.M. New Mexico (Mountain Daylight Time.), Or by phone ☎️ (669) 900-6833,
Meeting ID 408 862 2707# You can access the Zoom meeting by phone at this #...
Hope you can be with us.
Those of you who took notes during various sessions for your small groups can still send your summaries to [email protected], so we can incorporate them into the database for review and future use.
Grover Dobbins and others are building a database of praying people in our state. If you would like to get ongoing prayer alerts and hear about upcoming events that are significant for NM, please check on this website. If there are other praying people you know who are interested to get such communications, please put them in touch.
Until we gather again in person, let’s trust the Lord for His breakthroughs and keep praying even in pairs or triplets as He shows us things that need our intercession.
All His best always,
John Robb
(on behalf of the planning team)
NM Prayer Summit Planning Team:
Pastor Dennis and Corinne Gallegos, Joshua Generation Church, Gallup (Hosts)
Pastor Mark Thomas, Iyanbito Church, Gallup area
Pastor Mark Tross, Coordinator New Mexico Prayer Connect, Rio Rancho
Pastor Richard Mansfield, Chairman, New Mexico Prays, Albuquerque
Pete Belon, Navajo ministers’ prayer association, Smith Lake
Pastor Herman Harrison, Navajo church, Shiprock
Grover Dobbins,, Capitan
Pastor Jim Montoya, Los Lunas Prayer Network, Los Lunas
John and Lori Robb, National Prayer Assembly and Transformation Prayer Foundation, Albuquerque
Our thanks to Grover Dobbins of who edited the February 17th meeting recording:
It's a bit less than two hours long. Here's the public link on YouTube.
We are building new web pages and infrastructure to improve connection and function among our prayer friends... stay tuned!... blessings, Grover
You can email me at [email protected] if you have questions or comments.
Here are the links to Gallup Meeting Videos:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
You can email me at [email protected] if you have questions or comments.
Here are the links to Gallup Meeting Videos:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Registration Form For Prayer At The Heart of New Mexico, July 23, 2022
Please register below to help us with planning the event and connecting folks together so we can work together as one. If you are uncomfortable using your full name, use a nickname.
Click the REGISTER FOR EVENTS Button. The Register Form will appear and you can enter information. Be sure to go all the way to the bottom of the form and click SUBMIT. Thanks... we protect your private information.
If you don't plan on attending an event but just want to be connected to the family, click None under Event. If you'd like to be connected to John Robb's communications, click John Robb. Thanks and blessings...
Click the REGISTER FOR EVENTS Button. The Register Form will appear and you can enter information. Be sure to go all the way to the bottom of the form and click SUBMIT. Thanks... we protect your private information.
If you don't plan on attending an event but just want to be connected to the family, click None under Event. If you'd like to be connected to John Robb's communications, click John Robb. Thanks and blessings...