Welcome revivalist Caleb Cooper to our family. Here are a few of his resources...
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"Let's Do Life" Resources
Here are some reading resources which may relate to the "Let's Do Life" series. Some are used by Christian Counselors to help in the healing of God's precious kids. The Normal Christian Life Watchman Nee Available free as e-book online Lord of All Chip Brogden The Naked Gospel Andrew Farley Tired of Trying to Measure Up Jeff VanVonderen The Marvelous Exchange Dick Flatten The Bondage Breaker Neil T. Anderson A Consumers Guide to The Holy Spirit Jeffrey Thompson The Rest of The Gospel Dan Stone The Crucified Ones Charles Newbold Available free as e-book online His Presence in the Midst of You Charles Newbold Available free as e-book online Lifetime Guarantee Bill Gillham Classic Christianity & Jesus Changes Everything Bob George God Without Religion Andrew Farley Destined For The Throne Paul Bilheimer Ins and Outs of Rejection Charles Solomon The Hurt and The Healer Bart Millard Andrew Farley What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity---Bill Gillham |
Featured Articles And ResourcesThe following are writings that have been challenging and encouraging to me through the years. Some are probably classics that will endure the test of time and bless other generations. Some are quite challenging, so please read them with an open heart and mind and ask the Lord to show you how (or if) YOU are to walk through them. To comment on ANY of these articles, go the "Featured" page in the "Forums" drop-down. Blessings, Grover
His Presence In The Midst of You --- This is an awesome devotional by Charles Newbold, Jr., which is featured in one of our forums. It is mostly scripture which is presented in first person, as God speaking to you. The City Church --- A scriptural picture of the church in a city or location, coming together in homes and in the temple. Is this a new chapter in church history? By Wolfgang Simson. Escape From Christiandom --- By Robert Burnell. This has to be a classic. Written in 1980, it is an allegorical dream which makes the distinction between Christian City and The City of God. Similar to Hinds Feet In High Places. Vision Of True And False Revival --- Patrick Ersig. A prophetic vision from 2006. Tommy Hicks Vision --- From 1961 --- A prophetic end times vision, Stanley Frodsham Prophecy --- Coming Deception. This is a classic prophetic word given in 1965, and may indeed be for this generation. Retaking The Ship --- A dream by Bryan Hupperts, 2004 Some Awesome Quotes"Is this really the church of Christ, or are we just calling it the church because of our traditions and history?" -K.P. Yohannan "When a preacher is called from God, his sermon will be like a baptism of truth." - Unknown. "The kingdom of God is not going to advance by our churches becoming filled with men, but by men in our churches becoming filled with God." -Howard Spring "We made a deal - we preached and they beat us. We were happy preaching and they were happy beating us, so everyone was happy." -Richard Wumbrand "There is no rowing to paradise except upon the stream of repenting tears. Till sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet." -Thomas Watson "Only when we are captured by an overwhelming sense of awe and reverence in the presence of God, will we begin to worship God in spirit and in truth." -Alistair Begg "When alone with God, be alone with Him." -Samuel Chadwick |