i·den·ti·ty [ˌīˈden(t)ədē] NOUN the fact of being who or what a person or thing is: "he knows the identity of the bombers" · [more] synonyms: name · ID · specification · identification · recognition · [more] name [nām] NOUN a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to: VERB give a name to: synonyms: call · give a name to · dub · label · style · term · title · [more] specify (an amount, time, or place) as something desired, suggested, or decided on: Fallacy is to use words outside of context Context means the setting of a word or event con·text [ˈkäntekst] NOUN the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed: synonyms: circumstances · conditions · factors · state of affairs · [more] the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning: If who you are clarifies what you do. It is impossible for what you do to be who you are. Who you are can only be found in the Creator. When you attempt to convey who you are by what you do you are out of context. You are out of the setting that you were created for. We are created with gifts for and from God. We are not the gifts we have been given. How weird this world would be if everything was renamed for what it does. Oh the confusion it would create. If I said "Look a milk carrier" Would you think I was referring to a truck driver? When I am actually referring to a cow. What if I said "What a beautiful music player." Am I talking about a MP3 or IPod? Neither, I am referring to a piano. But how would you know because there are many things that do the same thing but have different names. All the examples I told you what it's gift is not what it is. The gift is the function or purpose for the creation. If you want to know what or who then you must overlook what it does to find what or who it is. A piano is an instrument it is capable of music. The music is not the piano. In the same way your gift is not who you are. Your identity is only found in the Creator. Your Creator says you are chosen, and royal. Your Creator says you are a reflection of who He is. Who is the Creator He is holy, just, loving, and true. Your Creator is King that makes you royalty. God gives gifts of music that does not make you a musician. It defines that you have the gift to play, read, or write music. The body spends so much time focusing on gifts and titles that they forget who gave the gift, and denoted the title. What is given is not the Giver. The gift reflects the heart of the Giver but will never be or replace the Giver. Who you are was defined before you ever did a thing. So why are you defining yourself by what you can do? When you know your identity is in God then you know; There is nothing impossible with God and you can do all through Christ who strengthens you.
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