Who’s leading You?
Shaudonna Bryant·Friday, April 29, 2016 Friends and Family, I write to you with a heavy heart. The world is changing right in front of us. Some are living live as normal, some are living in denial. We need to wake. We need to evaluate our lives and know once and for all. Who has your heart? Who is leading you? Because soon if you don’t decide it will be decided for you. Jesus is my leader and He said I do not have to be afraid. However He say watch and pray. Ya'll it is time to get right while you still can. If you know that if Jesus returned right now that He would say I do not know you. Please I beg you get right so Jesus will know you. Life as we know it is going to drastically change. Nothing you chase matters if it is not the will of God. In Him we move, live and have our being. Not in the Church, not in our jobs, education or whatever you may try to fill in the blanks with. God is God and above him there is no other. This is a call to deny yourself and pick up your cross. Jesus never said it would be easy but He is with us. I urge you brothers and sisters to chose life. Stop ignoring the signs. Just because you ignore or deny what’s happening does not mean it will stop happening. The only place without spot or wrinkle is in Christ. Will you be found there? Or will you be like lots’ wife who loved the things of the world so much that she disobeyed a direct command from God and it cost her, her life. Make no mistake no matter what choice you choose it will cost your life. Will you give your life for Christ or lose it to the world. God is so much bigger than your cellphone, laptop, Facebook or anything else you are currently giving yourself too. None of these things can save you. Yall perfect church attendance does not qualify you for heaven. Perfect love and dependence on Christ does. God loves you but if you don’t love him all He can do is shed tears as He walks away and says I never knew you. Jesus’s arms are open wide but He will force anyone into them. Run to Jesus give him all of you and let Him work through you. Jesus is our only hope today and everyday He chooses to give us. The world has nothing for me or you.
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