Romans 3:21-23 But now for the good news: God’s restorative justice has entered the world, independent of the law. Both the law and the prophets told us this day would come. 22 This redeeming justice comes through the faithfulness of Jesus,[a] the Anointed One, the Liberating King, who makes salvation a reality for all who believe--without the slightest partiality. 23 You see, all have sinned, and all their futile attempts to reach God in His glory fail. Matt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness--they will be filled. James 3:18 The seed that flowers into righteousness will always be planted in peace by those who embrace peace. Philippians 3:9 When it counts, I want to be found belonging to Him, not clinging to my own righteousness based on law, but actively relying on the faithfulness of the Anointed One. This is true righteousness, supplied by God, acquired by faith. Ephesians 4:24 Then you are ready to put on your new self, modeled after the very likeness of God: truthful, righteous, and holy. 2 Corinthians 5:21 He orchestrated this: the Anointed One, who had never experienced sin, became sin for us so that in Him we might embody the very righteousness of God. James 5:16 So own up to your sins to one another and pray for one another. In the end, you may be healed. Your prayers are powerful when they are rooted in a righteous life. This is the first piece of armor that we read in Isaiah 59 that God Himself put on Himself. As scriptures speak for themselves righteousness is a gift. It is the gift given through faith in Christ. When your Faith is Christ and in His finished works you are wearing the Christ who is your breastplate of Righteousness. The breastplate can only be put on by releasing your self and receiving the identity God has given you.
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