The Gift
Shaudonna Bryant·Wednesday, January 20, 2016 The Gift Gift-a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present value- The regard that something is held to deserve;the importance,worth, or usefulness of something. Religion- Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, ethics, and social organization that relate humanity to an order of existence. There many gifts and they come different sizes. It is the gift that decides the package. package don't denote value. The value of the gift is not valued more or less because of the box or bag it is in. whats inside is what matters. The box, bag or package is always discarded after being opened All proclaim to the know the gift but none have opened the box God has given us a gift. All have admired the package. Some marvel at the brilliance of the bow and the beauty of the ribbon . Some are captivated by the wrapping; and Some are mesmerized by the box. The gift given to us was dissected. There are some who have the bow beautiful and shining from the top. They think the bow is all there is and that they are the only ones who have it. If you have no bow then you don't have the gift. Then there are those who have the ribbon and tangled in how you are supposed to look in order to be holy. To others the wrapping paper is all they need. All they need is to be emotionally stirred and they are fine. There also those who gladly run around with an empty box. These are those who rely on their talents without the assistance of anointing. They all have a piece of the package and try to pass it off as the whole. Some have put the whole package and have put it on a pedestal to be worshiped. Some have taken the gift and put it inside another box like an elusive secret that one has to work for to obtain. Some have taken the identity of the box. The think what they do is who they are. Some have removed the wrapping but never went past that. All have experienced the gift in one way or another but none have opened it. None have opened the gift because they are taught they have get their life together before they may do so. The body gathers around the package. They spend so much time judging what the package looks like.This side says you must be a box the other side says you must be a bag. Others store up as many packages as they can and it is never enough. The value was all wrong. People are taught that the value of the gift comes from the box or bag it comes in. We have lost sight of the purpose of the gift. When the value comes from a combination of the Son and the Gift giver. Gifts were not created to stay in the package. They are meant to be shared. Until we all open the gift and find our value comes from Him(Jesus). Our value also comes from the love of the Father who saw fit to give us this gift. The same a woman receives a ring from the man she loves. Brother and Sisters open your present and enjoy the gift you've been given. Allow God to cut off the tape of religion. Allow God to help you remove the wrapping of the flesh. Allow Yeshua to remove you from the box and come into you. Allow the Holy Spirit to light up your heart and spirit. So Yahweh can share you with the world. Who you are is in Jesus. Nothing else can define you. You are meant for so much more. Seek and you shall find.
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