Who’s leading You?
Shaudonna Bryant·Friday, April 29, 2016 Friends and Family, I write to you with a heavy heart. The world is changing right in front of us. Some are living live as normal, some are living in denial. We need to wake. We need to evaluate our lives and know once and for all. Who has your heart? Who is leading you? Because soon if you don’t decide it will be decided for you. Jesus is my leader and He said I do not have to be afraid. However He say watch and pray. Ya'll it is time to get right while you still can. If you know that if Jesus returned right now that He would say I do not know you. Please I beg you get right so Jesus will know you. Life as we know it is going to drastically change. Nothing you chase matters if it is not the will of God. In Him we move, live and have our being. Not in the Church, not in our jobs, education or whatever you may try to fill in the blanks with. God is God and above him there is no other. This is a call to deny yourself and pick up your cross. Jesus never said it would be easy but He is with us. I urge you brothers and sisters to chose life. Stop ignoring the signs. Just because you ignore or deny what’s happening does not mean it will stop happening. The only place without spot or wrinkle is in Christ. Will you be found there? Or will you be like lots’ wife who loved the things of the world so much that she disobeyed a direct command from God and it cost her, her life. Make no mistake no matter what choice you choose it will cost your life. Will you give your life for Christ or lose it to the world. God is so much bigger than your cellphone, laptop, Facebook or anything else you are currently giving yourself too. None of these things can save you. Yall perfect church attendance does not qualify you for heaven. Perfect love and dependence on Christ does. God loves you but if you don’t love him all He can do is shed tears as He walks away and says I never knew you. Jesus’s arms are open wide but He will force anyone into them. Run to Jesus give him all of you and let Him work through you. Jesus is our only hope today and everyday He chooses to give us. The world has nothing for me or you.
The Olive Press and you
Shaudonna Bryant·Thursday, April 14, 2016 I've been obsessed with Olives and Olive oil. (Isaiah 53:10) tells Jesus was crushed.I have been researching the process of how the olive becomes olive oil. Olives grow in trees. So to harvest olives the tree is shaken. To me this represents how God shakes the spirit to get our attention. The olives are then sent thru the cleaning process to remove all that is impure. This is what the blood of Jesus does for us. Just like the olives have to go thru the same entrance to be cleaned. We all must come thru Jesus. Next is the grinding. The whole olive is grinded into paste. This is so all the flesh of the olive is torn so the oil can be released. This for us means dying to ourselves. This is what is meant by take up your cross deny yourself and follow me (Luke 9:23). The next stage is mixing the paste for 20 to 45 minutes. The mixing unifies the small drops of oil with the rest of the oil with bigger drops so the oil can be made one. This is the coming together of the body of Christ under one savior one anointing. (1Cor 12:12-13,20 and Eph 4:4) The final stage is separation. This why the bible says we many are called by few are chosen.(Matt 20:16, Matt 22:14) This process separates the virgin olive oil from the extra virgin oil because the process is longer for the extra virgin oil. If you want to be extra then you must be stirred again. What grade oil do you want to be? Coming back to the separation. The oil is separated and sent one way while the paste is sent another direction to be composted or thrown away. God is big on us standing out. 1 Pet 2:9 tells we are a holy nation. 2 Corinthians 6:14 asks us what relationship light has with darkness. 1 Pet 1:16 tells Because I am holy you must be holy. And Revelations tells the answer to 2 Corinthians 6:1. Revelations says Let he who is righteous be righteous still and Let he who filthy be filthy still. The trials we go through are for our benefit. Because if we didn't go through the process we can be what God intends to bless others with. We must be absorbed in God so the Holy Spirit can pour from us and reveal Christ Jesus in us our hope of Glory. Jesus I love you thank you for being our example and going through the process for us and with us. The Gift
Shaudonna Bryant·Wednesday, January 20, 2016 The Gift Gift-a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present value- The regard that something is held to deserve;the importance,worth, or usefulness of something. Religion- Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, ethics, and social organization that relate humanity to an order of existence. There many gifts and they come different sizes. It is the gift that decides the package. package don't denote value. The value of the gift is not valued more or less because of the box or bag it is in. whats inside is what matters. The box, bag or package is always discarded after being opened All proclaim to the know the gift but none have opened the box God has given us a gift. All have admired the package. Some marvel at the brilliance of the bow and the beauty of the ribbon . Some are captivated by the wrapping; and Some are mesmerized by the box. The gift given to us was dissected. There are some who have the bow beautiful and shining from the top. They think the bow is all there is and that they are the only ones who have it. If you have no bow then you don't have the gift. Then there are those who have the ribbon and tangled in how you are supposed to look in order to be holy. To others the wrapping paper is all they need. All they need is to be emotionally stirred and they are fine. There also those who gladly run around with an empty box. These are those who rely on their talents without the assistance of anointing. They all have a piece of the package and try to pass it off as the whole. Some have put the whole package and have put it on a pedestal to be worshiped. Some have taken the gift and put it inside another box like an elusive secret that one has to work for to obtain. Some have taken the identity of the box. The think what they do is who they are. Some have removed the wrapping but never went past that. All have experienced the gift in one way or another but none have opened it. None have opened the gift because they are taught they have get their life together before they may do so. The body gathers around the package. They spend so much time judging what the package looks like.This side says you must be a box the other side says you must be a bag. Others store up as many packages as they can and it is never enough. The value was all wrong. People are taught that the value of the gift comes from the box or bag it comes in. We have lost sight of the purpose of the gift. When the value comes from a combination of the Son and the Gift giver. Gifts were not created to stay in the package. They are meant to be shared. Until we all open the gift and find our value comes from Him(Jesus). Our value also comes from the love of the Father who saw fit to give us this gift. The same a woman receives a ring from the man she loves. Brother and Sisters open your present and enjoy the gift you've been given. Allow God to cut off the tape of religion. Allow God to help you remove the wrapping of the flesh. Allow Yeshua to remove you from the box and come into you. Allow the Holy Spirit to light up your heart and spirit. So Yahweh can share you with the world. Who you are is in Jesus. Nothing else can define you. You are meant for so much more. Seek and you shall find. Where and How, Structure, and Context
Shaudonna Bryant·Tuesday, October 20, 2015 To make a sentence you need a what and a who. A sentence usually tells us 5 things who, what, when, where, and how. The noun tells you who. The verb tells us what. The adverb tells us when. The preposition tells us where; and the adjective tells us how and some cases the adverb does the same. A sentence must have all these in the correct order to have structure. You may be wondering what's with the English lesson. Our lives are like a sentence. Though many try to formulate life and God it usually falls flat. Life, and God are not a formula. However both require structure. Lets define some words then we will dive right in. First lets define unconditional. According to the Oxford dictionary, unconditional means not subject to any conditions. A condition is a state of affairs that must exist, or be brought about before something else is possible or permitted. Using the English lesson above I'm going to walk us through one of my favorite scriptures. Romans 8:35-39. The sentence God loves me is very short; yet very strong. This very sentence brings about confusion. So lets break it down then go for the structure than the context. God is big on order 1 Cor. 14:40. do all things decently and in order. Back to Romans 8:35-39. Here is what it says: 35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”[a]) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Let's break it down. Our Who is God our What is His Love. The When is now. The where is in Christ. and the how is through Christ. God is Noun, Love is our Verb. Separate is our adverb In Christ is our prepositional phrase and nothing is our adjective. So if God's love is unconditional then why do we feel we must do something to receive it. Sometimes people believe that God's love is based off of their behavior, or circumstances. This where the structure issues are. The statements I made above are what is called an oxymoron in the English language. Relating something that clearly cancels out the other. An example of an oxymoron is as follows: Pull up a chair sit on the floor and I'll tell you a story I never heard before One bright day in the middle of the night, two dead men got up to fight, back to back they faced each other pulled out there swords and shot each other. One deaf policeman heard the noise and got up and got those two dead boys. If you don't believe my story is true ask the blind man he saw two. Do you see what is happening here when you mess with the structure you naturally create impossibilities. Basing God's love off your behavior, or circumstance creates what's called a double negative in the English language. In life this double negative translates to negative thoughts that lead to negative speech. Which results in one very unhappy person. Now lets go to context It says nothing can separate you. So where are the things that people say are separating them stemming from. The word clearly says nothing. nothing means having no prospect of progress, of no value. So if there is no prospect that separate us or remove our value; then value are we plugging in an unnecessary value. Have you ever done a math problem that gave you all the information and all you had to do was plug it in. For example X+ Y = 75 if x = 50 and y= 25. The answer is simple because it has already been factored and proven. So why then are we plugging an value that was never to be considered in the first place. God gave us the value He said I love you no matter what. Nothing can change that. So why do we allow that value to be changed. Remember if you change the value you get an error in the problem. So it seems to me when we understand our value we stop using variables. Because our value is a constant that comes from God and a constant never changes. Thank you Jesus. Therefore God and nor His love changes. Did you get that. The math has already be done for you. The structure of your sentence has not only already been done. But it has already been written. All you have to do is line up with it. By doing so nothing is impossible. Structured sentences the potential to become a song, a book and poem, a dialogue, a script. When you walk away from what makes things impossible everything becomes possible. That is why the bible says in Matthew 19:26 all things are possible with God and reiterated in Philippians I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When you give your sentence to God He makes an unbelievable true story out of the sentence He is structuring in you. Translation He is faithful and just to complete the work He started in You. Lets define some things and then talk about them. First lets define idol i·dol [ˈīdl] NOUN an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship. synonyms: icon · representation of a god · image · effigy · statue · figure · [more]
Now lets define worship wor·ship [ˈwərSHəp] NOUN the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity: "the worship of God" synonyms: reverence · veneration · adoration · glorification · glory · [more] VERB show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites: "the Maya built jungle pyramids to worship their gods" synonyms: revere · reverence · venerate · pay homage to · honor · adore · [more] These definitions come from the oxford dictionary. Now I was taught that an idol is anything you spend more time with or revere more than God. This can be self-reliance, reputation, education,achievement, your children, your spouse, your boyfriend, or even a fantasy of romance. Whatever it is hold nothing more valuable and reverent than God. He is the only one worthy of worship. Jason Upton sang it best "We better trash our idols if we want to be In the army of the Lord And the greatest idol is you and me, We better get on the threshing floor When will we learn that God's strategy Is giving glory to the Lord?" So friends rise up ask God to help you trash all idols in your life and return your adoration where it belongs Dying Star by Jason Upton lyricsDying Star by Jason Upton lyricsYOUTUBE.COM i·den·ti·ty [ˌīˈden(t)ədē] NOUN the fact of being who or what a person or thing is: "he knows the identity of the bombers" · [more] synonyms: name · ID · specification · identification · recognition · [more] name [nām] NOUN a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to: VERB give a name to: synonyms: call · give a name to · dub · label · style · term · title · [more] specify (an amount, time, or place) as something desired, suggested, or decided on: Fallacy is to use words outside of context Context means the setting of a word or event con·text [ˈkäntekst] NOUN the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed: synonyms: circumstances · conditions · factors · state of affairs · [more] the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning: If who you are clarifies what you do. It is impossible for what you do to be who you are. Who you are can only be found in the Creator. When you attempt to convey who you are by what you do you are out of context. You are out of the setting that you were created for. We are created with gifts for and from God. We are not the gifts we have been given. How weird this world would be if everything was renamed for what it does. Oh the confusion it would create. If I said "Look a milk carrier" Would you think I was referring to a truck driver? When I am actually referring to a cow. What if I said "What a beautiful music player." Am I talking about a MP3 or IPod? Neither, I am referring to a piano. But how would you know because there are many things that do the same thing but have different names. All the examples I told you what it's gift is not what it is. The gift is the function or purpose for the creation. If you want to know what or who then you must overlook what it does to find what or who it is. A piano is an instrument it is capable of music. The music is not the piano. In the same way your gift is not who you are. Your identity is only found in the Creator. Your Creator says you are chosen, and royal. Your Creator says you are a reflection of who He is. Who is the Creator He is holy, just, loving, and true. Your Creator is King that makes you royalty. God gives gifts of music that does not make you a musician. It defines that you have the gift to play, read, or write music. The body spends so much time focusing on gifts and titles that they forget who gave the gift, and denoted the title. What is given is not the Giver. The gift reflects the heart of the Giver but will never be or replace the Giver. Who you are was defined before you ever did a thing. So why are you defining yourself by what you can do? When you know your identity is in God then you know; There is nothing impossible with God and you can do all through Christ who strengthens you. Fear not, that the storm will end It is important that on me you depend There will also be terror ahead But it won't touch you, if by me you are led. ( "Fear Not" Words From The Heart of The Father) We are approaching days when the Supernatural realm is becoming visible. We need to remember that God has equipped us with everything we need. God in His wisdom and mercy gave us armor(His Armor)(See Isaiah 59:16-17 and Ephesians 6:12-17 and see how they correlate.) Because there is a spiritual war happening as we speak. The enemy's camp runs on fear. This is why God tells us fear not or variations such as do not be afraid 170 times throughout the Bible. I am finding it is one thing to know the Word, it's another thing to live it. What I mean is I know God has not given me the spirit of fear. But when the dark spiritual world reveals itself and we can see it in this world. We must practice what we preach and remember who we are. That the enemy is defeated and Christ in has full authority and victory no questions asked. It's time for us to know who we are. I will post a revelation God gave me on Identity directly after this one. Remember brothers and sisters Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Yahshua thank you for being our light and salvation. I wear a lot hats according to mans standard. I am a daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. All of these hats hold great significance and places in my life. I trust, lean, and depend on God to walk in all of these hats effectively in my life. My perfection is in God and God alone, and not in myself. Here’s a little about me through the hats I listed. As a daughter I am adopted. The feeling of not belonging, even when they say you do, is one I truly understand. Two years ago my adoptive mother went to be with the Lord. I struggled with the guilt of not being able to help her, in her golden years, when her health began to fail. I was on the west coast, She was on the East Coast. As a wife God has blessed me with 35 years, and I hope many more many more years with my husband Gary. We have learned and grown a lot with God and each other, and have gone thru a lot together. We have learned how to give each other to God, and allow Him(God) to show us how to love and fulfill each other. From this union, I have been blessed with four wonderful children: Gary II, Eric, Shaudonna, and Shanaelle.Three of them are still alive, and one (Shanaelle) is an angel with the Lord. I know the feeling of losing a child to soon, but I’ve learned that God’s plan is always better than my own, but is not always easy to swallow. From the three children living Gary II, my elder son is married. He and his wife Tiana have given me two grandsons. Jaeden, and Jordon are 8 and 1 1/2 years old. They live in Gilbert, AZ. Gary, I, Eric and Shaudonna all live in Phoenix. We all try to share time together, which is precious to me. Above all of these hats, the biggest hat I love to wear is Daughter of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the most precious part of my life. This quote takes on two meanings for us. On the physical side; It reminds us to remember all the Men and Women who have sacrificed their lives for the place we call home. Brothers and Sisters thank you for paying the price. For the Families, We are sorry for your loss. And For the Active Service People and Veterans thank you. The other meaning for us is The Freedom that Christ gave us. Again Death occurred so we could have eternal life. Thank You, Jesus Yahshua for true Freedom in you. May we never forget your Death, Burial, and Resurrection. May we never forget what we gained because you gave up all that was yours for us. Thank you, Jesus Yahshua for giving us new life and enabling us to live for the life you gave. May we never forget Freedom is not Free |